Navigating the explorer
On the lower part of the screen you have a list of tabs to navigate the explorer.
Settings tab
Here you have various panels to control filtering criteria.
Search panel
Here you can find:
- the amount of organisations satisfying the current filters
- a button to download the current search results (see note below)
- an input box to search text in organisations’ name and description
- an input box to search text in organisations’ place name
Note that in order to be able to download search results multiple times, you might have to enable multiple file downloads in your browser settings, to avoid it silently fails to download the results after the first download.
Organisation types panel
Here you have a bar chart displaying the amount of organisations per type.
You can (de)select each type by clicking on the type bar.
You can set the logic for the selection by type by using the switch below the bar chart:
means selecting all organisations of ANY of the active types;AND
means selecting all organisations of ALL the active types.
Enabling auto-zoom on the map to automatically scales the map to the region encompassing the markers selected by the search parameters (see below).
Selected topics panel
Here you have a list of the topics you have selected in the Topics tab (see below).
You can deselect them by clicking the cross button at their right.
Clicking the cross button at the bottom of this panel should deselect them all.
Selected places panel
Here you have a list of the places you have selected in the Places tab (see below).
You can deselect them by clicking the cross button at their right.
Clicking the cross button at the bottom of this panel should deselect them all.
Selected regions panel
Here you have a list of the regions you have selected in the Regions tab (see below).
You can deselect them by clicking the cross button at their right.
Clicking the cross button at the bottom of this panel should deselect them all.
Map tab
The map shows organisations in their location.
Types of markers
Single organisations are rendered as pie charts showing their types.
Depending on their distribution in the visible area, organisations can be clustered to avoid cluttering. Clusters of organisations are rendered as a pie chart of all the types in that cluster and a label showing the amount of organisations in that cluster.
Groups of organisations sharing the same location are rendered as stars where each ray represents the types of a single organisation.
Navigating the map
To select an area of the map, you can:
- pan by touching and dragging the map around
- zoom by:
- pinching the screen, or
- clicking on the +/- buttons on the map
Enabling the auto-zoom checkbox in the bottom-left corner, zooms the map to fit the selected organisations according to the current filtering criteria.
The scale in the top-right corner indicates the current level of zoom.
Interacting with markers
Clicking a single organisation or a star ray shows a pop-up with the same info displayed in the organisation card and pins it, so that you can click on the organisation’s website link or pills. To dismiss it, click on the background.
Details tab
Here you have a scrollable list of “organisation cards” sorted aplhpabetically. You can click on the alphabet to the right to quickly scroll to organisations starting with that letter.
Each card shows:
- the organisation name and a link to its website
- the organisation description, possibly shortened
- a button to copy the description to your clipboard
- depending on the length of the description, a button to expand/collapse the description
- a place tag, with the place postcode and name
- a list of organisation type tags
- a list of topics derived from the organisation description, shown as “pills”
Clicking a topic pill should should show a pop-up with:
- the topic abstract, taken from Wikipedia
- the topic thumbnail, also taken from Wikipedia, if available.
Clicking the wikipedia logo on that pop-up should navigate to the correspondent Wikipedia page.
To dismiss the topic, you can click on the pop-up background.
Topics tab
Here you can find a bar chart showing the top topics for the selected organisations. For each topic, you can read how many organisations have been tagged with that topic.
To select specific topics, click on the Edit Mode button, click on various items to (de)select them, then exit Edit Mode.
Switching to another tab exits Edit Mode automatically.
Clicking a topic will show the same pop-up described in the section above.
Places tab
Here you can find a bar chart showing the place names for the selected organisations. For each place, you can read how many organisations are found in that place.
To select specific places, click on the Edit Mode button, click on various items to (de)select them, then exit Edit Mode.
Switching to another tab exits Edit Mode automatically.
Region tab
Here you can find a bar chart showing the region names for the selected organisations. For each region, you can read how many organisations are found in that area.
To select specific regions, click on the Edit Mode button, click on various items to (de)select them, then exit Edit Mode.
Switching to another tab exits Edit Mode automatically.